Yesterday our sunbeams were especially cute so I thought I'd share some of their moments.
Moment 1: For sharing time we were talking about prophets and there were pictures of 4 prophets on the board. One of the older kids picked the picture of Jesus getting baptized, and Sister G asked who was in the picture baptizing Jesus. The older kids were struggling and Sister G was about to help them when Mr. J (one of our sunbeams) shouts out, "John the Baptist." Sister G was a little shocked and exclaimed that he was right! Point 1 for the sunbeams!
Moment 2: Sister G then asked who else wanted to pick a picture. Miss A (another one of our sunbeams) can be pretty shy, but I knew she knew the pictures so I asked if she wanted to go pick one. She went up to the board and pointed to a picture of Joseph Smith. Sister G then asked if she knew who it was and she half whispered, "Joseph Smith." It was really cute. Point 2 for the sunbeams!
Moment 3: We moved onto singing time and continuing with the prophets theme Sister A put up 5 more pictures of prophets (all of which were the subject of a verse of "Follow the Prophet"). She asked if anyone knew any of the prophets and Mr. T (another one of our sunbeams) shouts out, "Samuel!" We expecting the kids to guess Moses holding the 10 Commandments or one of the more talked about stories, but no. Mr. T knew Samuel! He shocked everyone! Point 3 for the sunbeams!
We got many more comments yesterday about how cute the sunbeams were and how much they knew! We wish we could take credit, but the amazingness of the sunbeams has to go to the wonderful parents who take the time to teach their children and the sunbeams who learn much more than we tend to give them credit for!
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