Posing with Honest Abe outside of the new Visitors' Center.
Some period cannon and monuments along the drive.
The Pennsylvania Memorial
We lucked out and got to see a little reenactment!
Aaron at "the clump of trees."
It is fun to see the landmarks from across the battlefield and then close up.
The Angle
A view of a couple of different types of markers...
In memorial of the Gettysburg Address. President Lincoln actually stood a little bit further into the cemetery, but this was dedicated to the remembering of that simple, exquisite address.
He was right about the world not forgetting what happened on those fields that President Lincoln "dedicated" that day and that the soldiers consecrated with their lives, but he was very wrong about the impression his address would have on history. Thank you President Lincoln for your words of wisdom, and for letting the world (and future speech writers) know that it's not the length of the speech that determines the impact it will have. Hooray for history!
that's a lot of monuments for one place. I actually think those are the actual soldiers still fighting from the war.