Our ward out here in Baltimore doesn't waste any time! The week after we moved in we got a call to meet with the Bishop; so our second week at church we went early to meet with the bishop and received our first calling as a couple... PRIMARY!

Aaron and I are teaching the 3 & 4 year olds. We taught our class for the first time on Sunday and they are so cute! We have three boys and one little girl. They are great but a little restless as most of them are right out of nursery, so we decided more interactive activities/lessons would be best. We're also all about the snacks, so yesterday we invested in some major goldfish! They seemed to like the granola bars we brought on Sunday, but we decided to go classic and buy the fish! Much to Aaron's dismay, but in true public health fashion we got the whole grain goldfish... we'll let you know how they are.

If you have any tips or great lesson ideas we're always open to suggestions!